
The cursor blinks as it waits for me. My wish/intent/hope is to place here a collection of language that will express how I feel about this day. This day marks the 19th year having come, since the untimely death of Texas Bluesman Stevie Ray Vaughan. Truth is, my preference, is to string a few words together about
the life, music, and gift of Stevie. I choose to do this rather than focus on the loss. In my house, he lives. I have many pictures of him on my walls, books on his life, and well over 100 recordings that are listened to almost daily. It has become a quest for me to find out about the man. To this point, it has been an interesting and jofyul journey. His heart, and spirit were every bit as big as his tone. His humility and gratitude were an intergral part of his playing, as much as his fire, pasion, and deep love of making music. Often late at night, or when life is particluarly unkind, it seems as though he is playing just for me. The notes speak to my soul, bind my wounds, and lovingly put me back on my feet. To watch him play, and feel his power, his willingness to reach out in my time of need, is a rare, rare gift. Thank you Stevie. In my home, and my heart, you live my friend.
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