The Foggy Path.......
First of all, photo credit goes to E. Richardson. Ok now, it seems most everyone close to me is going through a series of trials/crisis' in their lives. So many things coming at them, there doesn't seem to be a way to turn, no sft place to fall. One thing after another, badda bing, badda bang, badda boom. From every possible direction and source, in a never-ending attack on the foundation of their lives. Confusing, tearing at every fiber of stability and confidence, the main weapon? Indifference. The most rock-solid people I have ever known, rocked to the point of instability and self-doubt. We are living in difficult and trying times and we often feel like we are living in dog's world and we are wearing Milk Bone underwear. No way to climb high and into the quiet to make a plan, no way to get under the radar to escape detection. It's nap-of-the-earth tree skimming flight in the dead of night at supersonic speed with no lights for reference. Sure to be a terrifying ride for any sane human. Not a day goes by that I don't spend some time on my knees, praying for my friends.....
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