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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Difficult Times Just Ain't Easy

For much of my life, I have considered writing, journaling, keeping a diary, however one wants to label it a good idea. At least for me, it is access to my authentic self, where what I truly believe is not only made safe, it is encouraged to seek truth fearlessly and not merely settle for fact. When writing, no matter what I have been doing, or how I have been doing it, no matter what I think, or how I have been thinking it... well you get the picture. I am the best version of myself. During the time I am sitting here in front of my computer, which the ability to express myself in the ways I have been describing is actually a quite new avenue of expression for me. Until just the last few weeks/months of this year the only way I could plumb those depths was to put pen to paper and literally write. I could then transfer the thoughts to an electronic medium, but for some reason the extra step was too much, and I just stopped doing it altogether, and for this I suffered deeply in many ways. Well now that the ice is broken again  perhaps I will have more regular offerings to share which will hopefully lead to more of what seems to result from my regular writing; spiritual growth and/or evolution for me personally, and when a reader takes an interest, once in a while I either deepen an existing friendship or on occasion make a new one. Any of those results I find to be satisfactory.
Until the next time, you may be able to catch me on the radio. My next scheduled show is December 4th, however I may ask for another programmer to substitute for me this time. I do however plan on doing my next scheduled show which is .... January 1st 2015 !!!!! If my friends are any indication, and they usually are, then you had a year in 2014 you would most likely be happy to see it getting smaller in your "rearview mirror" as soon as can be. I totally agree, 'cause I had one like that too. SO, I accept the challenge AND the responsibility of getting that started. HOW you say???? Well it just so happens, that I have a radio show, and at 10pm PST, 12am CST, 1am EST Thursday January 1, 2015, I am coming out guns blazin' to put a smile back on your face with some killer Blues! As a matter of fact, I would like some input from y'all on what the first song, of the first show might should be? I am going to post this on Facebook, sooooo you can either respond there, or the comments are enabled here, so you can answer here as well, or BOTH! I intend to make my show much more accessible to you from now on, so I will be asking things like this from time to time. For instance, what Blues artist would you like to get to know better? I can do my best to get them on the show, and who knows I may even work out a way for one of you to be in the studio and help me do the interview. Cool huh? So, let that be something you are thinking about and right before spring, we'll see what we can do.
Stage lights and peace pipes,
(the salutation was borrowed from Cutter Brandenburg)